Equipment for tire curing press
Loader system

Product Features

Loader system

A replacement loader system for mechanical presses that has the same functionality as loaders for hydraulic presses.

point 01

Improves the Centering Position of Green Tires

Loader system

The rotation stopper mechanism and chuck centering (position and attitude) adjustment mechanism improve the repeatability of the stopping position.

point 02

Smooth and Accurate Operation

Loader system

An LM guide is used for the lifting axis and ball bearings are used for the rotation axis to ensure smooth and accurate operation.

point 03

We Support Specialized Designs to Meet Your Needs

Based on a core design, we design and manufacture products according to customer specifications, whether it is electrification of an operation or changing to a short paddle (hollow out) type chuck.

Product Lineup

We Support Specialized Designs

We Support Specialized Designs

Lifting, turning, and chucking are air driven

Example for TB

Example for TB

Lifting, turning, and chucking are electrically driven

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