long-termvision・Mid-Term Management Plan About Us

Overview of Our Long-term Vision “RI-Vision 2030”

1. Basic Policy

Maximizing corporate value by increasing customer value for products and services and expanding new businesses

(1) Strengthening the management foundation

• Improving efficiency and sophistication of operations through IT technology, etc.
• Evolving organizations, internal controls, and governance

(2) Deepening existing businesses

• Increasing customer value for existing products
• Strengthening customer contact and raising awareness of ROCKY-ICHIMARU

(3) Searching for new businesses

• Developing new businesses and original products through co-creation
• Promoting M&A

(4) Promoting sustainability management

• Promoting management that considers the environment (E), society (S), and economy & governance (G)

2. Targets

(1) Qualitative goal

As a global corporate group, we will work with customers to create their own unique value.

(2) Quantitative targets

Non-consolidated results

Achieve sales of JPY 5 billion and an operating profit margin of 10%

Group consolidated results

Achieve sales of JPY 7 billion

Overview of the “RI-Plan 2026” Mid-Term Management Plan

1. Quantitative Targets

Non-consolidated results

Achieve sales of JPY 3.5 billion and an operating profit of JPY 250 million (operating profit margin of 7%)

Group consolidated results

Achieve sales of JPY 4.5 billion yen

2. Main Measures

• Promoting a sub-brand strategy for ROCKY valves
• Developing tire machinery equipment for press manufacturers
• Reviewing and strengthening the design and sales structure for our high-pressure hydraulic devices
• Developing environmentally friendly high-pressure hydraulic devices, etc.

3. M&A Strategy


Generate sales of JPY 1 billion yen or more through M&A by the end of March 2027




Manufacturing, trading companies


Growth (Has unique products or technologies, is fabless, is related to our own products)
Stable (Sales and customers have been stable for a long time)
Local (Located near our company)

Scale of Sales

JPY 300 million to 2 billion

Investment Amount

JPY 1.5 billion

4. Sustainability Management

  Key Issues (Materiality) Related SDG Targets
Environment Emergency measures to mitigate climate change and its impacts sdgs7,9,12,13
Establishing circularity
Society Respect for human rights sdgs4,5,8,16
Creating a safe and healthy working environment
Enhancing employee education and training, and the career path (reskilling) system
Promoting innovation sdgs9,11,12,16,17
Further advancing governance